Biddle Move: -- Move used to bring selected card to the bottom of the deck
Bottom Charge: -- Move used to change cards.
Break -- A slight opening secretly held in a deck of cards.
Breather Crimp -- The Breather crimp is a special type of "pyramid" crimp put into a card. It's good because it's not really detectable like the standard crimp is--but it's harder to put into the card and requires a little privacy. The breather crimp is an undetectable crimp that can be put on a card at a moment’s notice, and is an extremely powerful weapon in the card conjurors arsenal.
Book Pass Force -- The book-pass force is where you do an overhand shuffle (take a group of cards then throw them on the other pile, you do this repeatedly) except you hold the top card and keep it on top. This will leave the selected card on top.
Bridge-Sized Deck -- A deck of cards slightly smaller than a poker deck, measuring 2-1/4’ wide. Bridge-size cards are frequently used and give the magician an advantage in certain tricks because of their smaller width.
Card Discovery -- The climax or end of many card tricks during which the spectator’s card is revealed or produced in a “magical” manner.
Card Location -- Any method that allows the magician to find or locate a selected card after it has been returned to the pack.
Conjurer -- A magician
Control -- Any method that allows the performer to move a particular card or cards to a specific location in the pack.
Crimp -- This involves putting a bend or crease in a playing card in such a way that you are able to locate it in the deck by feel alone. The crimp can be put anywhere on the card, but the corners or long sides are generally used. You can crimp the card simply by bending the corner slightly upwards when showing it. You can also crimp the side of a card by squeezing it gently at the side between the thumb and forefinger. Basically, any (subtle) identifying bend or crease in a playing card qualifies as a crimp.
Cut Deck -- Magician pulls a deck of cards out of a box showing that the deck is cut in half! (from upper right corner to lower left corner). Magician claims that he/she performed at a restaurant a while ago, and when he was showing a trick to the cook that required him to cut the deck, he took it literally and chopped the deck in half. Now, the spectator fans the left half and asks the spectator to point to a card. That card is removed and given to the spectator. The spectator then fans the right half and asks another spectator to point to a card. That card is removed and given to the other spectator. The spectators are then asked to place their cards face down on the table. The magician takes their cards and puts them together, showing an exact match on the back of the cards. They are flipped over and revealed to be the 2 matching sections of one card!
Do As I Do -- When you have the spectator do the same things as you do.
Double Cut Force -- The double cut force is a way of forcing the top card of the deck.
Double Lift -- This is where the two top cards are drawn up to be shown as one card alone. A finger break between the two top cards before the sleight is executed, is very nice. Otherwise it requires really light fingers.
Double Sided Cards -- Simply a double sided card which you can buy or make for many good effects.
Double Undercut -- Card Control used to return a card back to the top of the deck. Effect -- A sleight or trick
Elmsley Count/Elmsley Pass -- This is a sleight-of-hand maneuver that can be done ambidextrously. It is not as hard as a 'parallel pull', but it takes much more grace and skill than a Hindu Shuffle, if that puts this sleights difficulty into perspective.
Face -- The face of a card shows its value and suit.
Face Cards, Picture cards, or Court Cards -- All of the jacks, queens, and kings.
False Cut -- Any cut that leaves the deck in the same order as it was before the cut.
False Shuffle -- Any shuffle that leaves the deck in the same order as it was before the shuffle.
Faro Shuffle -- The faro, also known as the weave shuffle is a technique that perfectly interlaces the cards. It is not a false shuffle, but properly speaking a controlled shuffle. The shuffle can be made in the hands, or on the table which gives it the appearance of a tabled riffle shuffle. The in the hands method is, by far, the easier of the two and I will describe the method that I use.
Finger Break -- Move used to return to cards easily.
Flash -- Allowing the spectator to briefly see the face of any card.
Flourish -- A display of skill with cards. Usually not a trick but an important part of a trick like one handed cut, fan, and ribbon spread.
Force -- Causing a spectator to select a particular card or cards when the spectator thinks the choice was freely made.
Free Choice -- When a spectator really has a free choice, no force.
Gimmick -- A secret device used in the execution of a magic trick.
Glide -- The glide is simply pulling back a bottom card so that the second to the bottom card is revealed a little (this is done face-down though, so no-one can see the faces) It is only revealed for touch. The second to bottom card is the slipped out as if it was the bottom card. (Usually it looks 'the bottom card is shown. then the deck is facedown (no attention drawn to this), then the bottom card is slipped out. (Of course, really the 2nd the bottom is slipped out.)
Glimpse -- Secretly noting a card while holding or shuffling the pack.
Greek Shift -- Move used to shift a card, or make a false cut.
Greek Shuffle -- False Shuffle. Watch your angles.
Haunted Deck -- Spectator freely selects a card, and that card is placed back onto the deck. The deck is cut and the spectator is told that the deck will remove the card by itself and then watches, as the deck removes the card!!!! The deck can then be given to the spectator to reveal no gimmick!
Hindu Shuffle -- An effective way to keep a card or several at the bottom of the deck.
Indicator Card -- A playing card used to identify the location, value, or suit of a different card, usually selected by the audience.
Invisible Deck -- This deck is a trick deck wherein the backs of the cards used have a thick, non-slick surface. The cards are placed back to back in certain pairs.
Jog -- A card sleight in which a card is made to secretly protrude from the deck to a slight extent, enabling the magician to secretly locate it or the card next to it at a future moment.
Key Card -- A Card, generally gimmicked, which is used to locate a particular card or cards in the deck
Marked Deck -- A deck a cards with markings on the back to identify the front. You can name any marked card by looking at the back of it.
Mechanic's Grip -- The mechanics grip is one of the most often used for false dealing. It is sort of a compromise between the erdnase grip and the full grip. The forefinger curls around the outer right corner of the deck while the other three fingers curl around the side of the deck.
Miscalling a Card -- In card magic, purposely giving an incorrect identification of a card.
One Way Deck -- Here is a deck that you don’t have to buy, you arrange the back of the deck pictures all the same way and when the spectator picks his card just switch the deck around. Then it is s the only one that is backwards. No more fake shuffles!
Overhand Shuffle -- A shuffle where you hold the cards in your right hand and you pull them off a few at a time into your left hand.
Palming a Card -- Method of concealing a card.
Pass -- A sleight.
Patter -- The talk a magician uses to accompany a trick.
Reversed Card -- Any card that is face up in a face-down pack (or faced down in a face-up pack)
Riffle Shuffle -- Common shuffle, used often.
Sandwiched Card -- Any card that is placed, or located, between two other pre- designated cards.
Self-Working Tricks -- Tricks that don't require sleight of hand.
Shuffle -- The process of mixing a deck of cards
Slip Force – Quick Card Force.
Spot Cards -- Any card from ace through ten in any suit.
Springing Cards -- A flourish in which you bend the cards, let go, and catch them with the other hand
Stranger Cards -- Not a card that's extra weird. A Stranger Card is a card taken from another deck, and added to the deck you're using. This allows you to perform many tricks in a much more mystifying way. For instance, cards inserted into the middle of the deck can be made to instantly reappear on the top or bottom. Some Stranger Cards are specially manufactured, to make things happen that couldn't, otherwise. A good example is the gag card made to look like a Three-and-a-half of Clubs!
Stripper -- This deck is cut in sort of a subtle 'tapered" shape. meaning the top is wider than the bottom. therefore, if a card is place in upside down, the wider end of the card now matches with the decks lower end, thus making it easy to locate or even slip the card right out of the middle of the deck.
Svengali -- The Svengali Deck consists of 26 ordinary cards, all different, and 26 short cards all of the same suit and value. The latter may be narrower as well as shorter, but short duplicates only are generally used. The pack is set up by arranging the two sets alternately, thus every other card from the top is a card of the same suit and value.
Switch -- A sleight or move in which one object is secretly substituted for another.
Vegas Shuffle -- The Vegas shuffle is the same as the Reno shuffle when you cut the deck into two piles and with your thumbs merge them together. It is the same except you only merge the two piles in the corners, and then you straighten them out.
Vanish -- The act of making an object suddenly become nonexistent.